
Located in Washington, DC, the National Partnership for Community Leadership (NPCL) continues to stand out as a ‘pioneer’ in the Responsible Fatherhood Field. Interested in learning how to start your own non-profit in the future? Spend a semester serving at NPCL, learning from a recognized community leader. Other benefits include:
-College/job recommendation letter after semester of service

-Hands-on experience assisting with in-person training and certification

-Lasting partnership with NPCL to assist with future projects & pursuits


How does an internship look to colleges?

Traits including: discipline, determination and diligence are sure to make any college application stand out. Through a student’s internship experience at NPCL, young men and women will exude a seriousness in pursuing their academic and professional goals, with the help of mentors. Additionally, this internship will allow students to gain prior understanding of non-profit business environments, aiding in their decision to major or minor in a specific academic field.

How does an internship look to prospective companies looking to hire?

“Needs More Experience” is a common statement new college graduates face. Let NPCL help you! Your recommendation from our company President & semester experience with NPCL speaks volumes. Show your potential boss that prior to meeting them, you had an attitude focused on learning and growing as a professional.

Stand out in your profession. We’d love to highlight your work!